A League of Her Own

"A League of Her Own" Maybelle Blair Former All -American Girls Professional Baseball League Star Pitcher Never underestimate the power of women. From Seneca Falls, N.Y. - the 1st Women’s Rights Convention in 1848, to Amelia Earhart in 1928 - 1st woman to cross the Atlantic in an airplane, to the 1st professional female baseball players in 1943; we have been breaking down barriers for centuries. The inspiring and uplifting film “A League of Their Own,” tells a fictionalized account of the real-life All-American Girls Professional Baseball League and reminds us of women’s accomplishments and brings back warm memories of the heyday of the 1st professional baseball league for female players, The All-American Girls Professional Baseball League of the 1940s. Star players of the AAGPBL in 1947 including Racine outfielder Edythe Perlick, wearing her Racine Belles uniform. Source: WHI 58540. Watching the f...