Living Freedom of the Mind


I think a lot of people look at freedom as an external force. Looking for it like love, in the partner we choose, our career, amount of wealth. I believe freedom lies in the mind, giving ourselves permission to be who we are without seeking acceptance from anyone or anything.

From birth, we are socialized to accept certain pretexts as the norm and that this is the only acceptable path to follow. Girls wear pink, boys wear blue. Women should be yielding and demure, and men should be tough and take the lead.

Society sets us up like one of those learning toys for children where you are trained to put the round peg in the round hole and the square peg into the square hole; demonstrating that things, and people, are supposed to fit into the corresponding receptacle. 

This mindset creates pain and confusion when we don't fit into what the establishment has deemed proper and correct.  True "Freedom" of the mind is when we become strong enough to realize that one size does not fit all and that the color “nude” is based on a conformed standard.

But, there’s a flipside that comes with this Freedom. As we honor our own spirit and truth, we are also charged with honoring others' spirit and truth.

Unfortunately, some don’t want to live Freedom of the Mind because of this flipside and the responsibility it brings. Its moral obligation can mean calling out when you see a wrong being done in the name of conformity or what society deems it as “right.” This charge also means learning to live and let live. 

In my observations, some shouting the loudest for their freedoms are usually basing these demands on what they see in it for themselves but not necessarily how this “freedom” can impact or disenfranchise the lives of others.

Living Freedom of the Mind is at its core about living a life of love for oneself and the lives of humanity. When we come from a place of compassion, we care about others' welfare because we see ourselves as part of a whole and as individuals. 

I believe hate comes from self-loathing because if we truly love ourselves, we could never hurt another or as the “Golden Rule.” says: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Living Freedom of the Mind is not just for our own liberation, but for the liberation of us all!


Free your mind, and the rest will follow.


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