What Are You Thankful For?

Sharing a Thanksgiving meal with loved ones is truly a blessing. Having food on the table and a roof overhead is a luxury not everyone can afford.

As we enjoy our traditional turkey and pumpkin pie, let’s remember those without. Reaching out and sharing should be part of our consciousness as I believe we are our brother’s keeper.

As a cancer survivor, I am keenly aware that tomorrow is not promised, appreciative that no matter how bleak the world may seem, we are only here as flesh and blood for a second in the Universe of time. We should not take for granted that we, as well as friends and family, will always be here.

As a child, I remember Sunday family dinners being a time to catch up on our week and just enjoy each other’s company. No TV, No Phones, but quality time to bond and appreciate these special moments.

Merely hanging out with our cohorts is a precious gift we should treasure and make time for in our busy lives. Enjoying these riches is a blessing we should value and appreciate; treating these simple but special occasions with tender loving care.

Not only on Thanksgiving but every day, embrace each moment with mindful purpose and positive energy, understanding the importance of spending time and enjoying one another.

Let’s make it our mission to spread love and compassion. As the Dalai Lama said, “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”

When we lose the ability to put ourselves in someone else's shoes, we lose touch with our humanity; devaluing the reality that just because it won’t affect us doesn’t lessen its impact on others.

Make it a point to lend a helping hand not only during the holidays but daily, praying for grace and mercy for all.

I am forever thankful and grateful to my beautiful family and friends. My cup runneth over with joy as I celebrate the blessings the Lord has given.

Happy Holidays!


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