
Showing posts from January, 2021

Breathe In, Breathe Out

We are, without question, living in incredibly disturbing and fearful times. You can’t turn on the TV or log into Facebook or Twitter without asking yourself, what kind of world are we living in? This is why it’s more important than ever for us to breathe in, breathe out and focus on what’s important and how to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.  Whenever I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed by life and the world events around me, I seek out motivational affirmations and positive reinforcements to lift my spirits. It’s so easy to get mired down in all the negative energy, however, pressing the pause button allows me to slow myself down and remind myself the way things turn out are in direct proportion to my attitude. As a 3 year survivor of both colon and breast cancer, I stand as living testimony to the power and the miraculous effects of having the right perspective in living a life of joy. When we think in negative terms we attract negative energy. It’s the one aspect of life we c

There Ain't Nothin' Gonna Steal My Joy! Music of the Heart

  When I saw this video on Facebook I couldn't help the tremendous smile that came across my face as I  reveled in the sublime joy of this little lady. She was present in the moment and oblivious to judgment and the others  around her. This is what I call purity of being; or as they used to say in church when I was growing up - "being filled with the holy spirit." I must have played this proud mom's video at least 5 times straight including grabbing my husband’s arm declaring, you must watch this adorable video. “My six-year-old just couldn’t help break it down at church when her song  started” Michael Patterson (father) Oftentimes as adults, we feel pressured or embarrassed to express  ourselves with reckless abandon  because it wouldn’t be “dignified”. We worry about what others think about our appearance, job, or  bank account, which is a total waste of time. What matters is appreciating each moment of every day.  Treasuring time spent with friends and family and t