
Breathe In, Breathe Out

We are, without question, living in incredibly disturbing and fearful times. You can’t turn on the TV or log into Facebook or Twitter without asking yourself, what kind of world are we living in? This is why it’s more important than ever for us to breathe in, breathe out and focus on what’s important and how to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.  Whenever I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed by life and the world events around me, I seek out motivational affirmations and positive reinforcements to lift my spirits. It’s so easy to get mired down in all the negative energy, however, pressing the pause button allows me to slow myself down and remind myself the way things turn out are in direct proportion to my attitude. As a 3 year survivor of both colon and breast cancer, I stand as living testimony to the power and the miraculous effects of having the right perspective in living a life of joy. When we think in negative terms we attract negative energy. It’s the one aspect of life we c

There Ain't Nothin' Gonna Steal My Joy! Music of the Heart

  When I saw this video on Facebook I couldn't help the tremendous smile that came across my face as I  reveled in the sublime joy of this little lady. She was present in the moment and oblivious to judgment and the others  around her. This is what I call purity of being; or as they used to say in church when I was growing up - "being filled with the holy spirit." I must have played this proud mom's video at least 5 times straight including grabbing my husband’s arm declaring, you must watch this adorable video. “My six-year-old just couldn’t help break it down at church when her song  started” Michael Patterson (father) Oftentimes as adults, we feel pressured or embarrassed to express  ourselves with reckless abandon  because it wouldn’t be “dignified”. We worry about what others think about our appearance, job, or  bank account, which is a total waste of time. What matters is appreciating each moment of every day.  Treasuring time spent with friends and family and t

A League of Her Own

  "A League of Her Own" Maybelle Blair Former  All -American Girls Professional Baseball League  Star  Pitcher Never underestimate the power of women. From Seneca Falls, N.Y.  - the 1st Women’s  Rights Convention in 1848, to Amelia Earhart in 1928 - 1st woman to cross the Atlantic in an airplane, to the 1st professional female baseball players in 1943; we have been breaking  down barriers for centuries. The inspiring and uplifting film  ​ “A League of Their Own,” ​ tells a fictionalized account of the real-life All-American Girls Professional Baseball League and reminds us of women’s accomplishments and brings back warm memories of the heyday of the 1st professional  baseball league for female players,  ​ The All-American Girls Professional Baseball League ​ of the 1940s. Star players of the AAGPBL in 1947 including Racine outfielder Edythe Perlick, wearing her Racine Belles uniform. Source:  WHI 58540.   Watching the film, I learned a history lesson I never knew befo

Hip Hop Sign Language

Holly Maniatty - Hip Hop Signer  Usually, when I think of sign language interpreters, I envision a rally, government meeting,  or Town Hall; however, I just saw my first hip hop sign language interpreter to my delight. It’s awesome! Her body language and sense of feeling and emotion totally tap into the intent of the music. Holly Maniatty doesn’t just stand there and merely sign with her hands; her entire body is in effect! She credits her boundless energy to extensive research on the artist, his/her life, and the lyrics to many of their songs. Doing so, she brings truth and authenticity to each song.   Holly is best known for her sign language interpreting at large festivals for rappers like Snoop Dogg and Eminem. She’s a hip hop fan and certified sign language interpreter; videos of her signing songs by rap legends like Wu-Tang Clan and Snoop Dogg have garnered hundreds of thousands of views online. Snoop Dog and Holly Maniatty   "I've always loved hip hop," Mania

4-year-old superhero has the power to feed the homeless

“Don’t forget to show love!” Austin Perine This uplifting story of adorable 4 year-old Austin Perine from Birmingham, Alabama, puts the biggest smile on my face and renews hope in my heart. This beautiful child  instinctively understands what far too many adults don’t or won’t embrace - sharing love with all people! Linn Park in Birmingham is a regular stop with many of Austin’s “customers” recognizing the red-caped superhero as the highlight of their day!  Austin doesn’t look for the differences in others, just how he can help by sharing a simple chicken sandwich and spreading a message of love with those in need. He uses his allowance and forfeits toys to pay for his superhero mission of feeding those without because according to Austin, “it’s the right thing to do.”  (Austin and his Dad, Terrence) I sing the praises and commend his dad, Terrence (TJ) for supporting his son’s efforts to spread the love by going out weekly into his community to feed the homeless. Austin embraces his “

Positive Thoughts For the Mind

  When living in challenging times one of the most important and often the hardest concept to focus on is keeping a positive attitude. One of my favorite quotes is from Buddha: “What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.” And, what we consume in the mainstream media day after day can exacerbate the stress and anxiety we already feel about events on the local and world stage. Maybe we need to change the quality and type of energy we are exposing ourselves to on a regular basis. I’m not naive, but when I interact with folks, it’s is a far cry from the images I see on television. Face to face, most people are considerate. When we don’t project negative energy on others and assume we know what they’re about, we all get along a little better. As a cancer survivor, one of the most valuable lessons I took away from my experience is the power of positive thought and attitude. I could have gotten depressed and given up, believing that the cancer

What Are You Thankful For?

Sharing a Thanksgiving meal with loved ones is truly a blessing. Having food on the table and a roof overhead is a luxury not everyone can afford. As we enjoy our traditional turkey and pumpkin pie, let’s remember those without. Reaching out and sharing should be part of our consciousness as I believe we are our brother’s keeper. As a cancer survivor, I am keenly aware that tomorrow is not promised, appreciative that no matter how bleak the world may seem, we are only here as flesh and blood for a second in the Universe of time. We should not take for granted that we, as well as friends and family, will always be here. As a child, I remember Sunday family dinners being a time to catch up on our week and just enjoy each other’s company. No TV, No Phones, but quality time to bond and appreciate these special moments. Merely hanging out with our cohorts is a precious gift we should treasure and make time for in our busy lives. Enjoying these riches is a blessing we should value and apprec