Positive Thoughts For the Mind

When living in challenging times one of the most important and often the hardest concept to focus on is keeping a positive attitude. One of my favorite quotes is from Buddha: “What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.” And, what we consume in the mainstream media day after day can exacerbate the stress and anxiety we already feel about events on the local and world stage. Maybe we need to change the quality and type of energy we are exposing ourselves to on a regular basis. I’m not naive, but when I interact with folks, it’s is a far cry from the images I see on television. Face to face, most people are considerate. When we don’t project negative energy on others and assume we know what they’re about, we all get along a little better. As a cancer survivor, one of the most valuable lessons I took away from my experience is the power of positive thought and attitude. I could have gotten depressed and given up, believing that the ca...